Jack Shit .buzz
! We named the DOG Jack !
Stoop and Scoop the Poop
S*it Happened
This website and this system is a response to this condition: We have a dog named Jack. Our yard is very small as is every residence near us. So all us dog owners walk our pets around the blocks following sidewalks with public areas right along side. This is a standard setting for all city areas. We are all expected, and expecting others, to cleanup what our pets create. The expected cleanup is not happening. This is the condition.
We are disappointed. But what is wrong to cause this condition? 3 cases seem possible.
1. Our area of the city is home for many elderly residents. Most of us have the pet for companionship and for activities that provide/require outside exercise. For personal reasons some cannot include the exercise to stoop down with a plastic bag and pickup their dog's poop tempararily or permanently.
2. Some of our neighbors do not remember that their Mother does not live with them and will not be following them with a plastic bag to pickup the poop. (lol But if true, group these with people is situation 1)
3. A few of our neighbors don't care about the condition of our area of the city.
A system to respond to this condition:
Let's help when we are able.